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Let's be healthy!! I'm a college student and I've gained that unwanted college weight. So let's learn how to be healthy together inexpensively!


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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Good Morning Omelette

So I must say I love EGGS. 
So for my second recipe 
*drum rolls*
we'll be making Omelettes. 

Sausage Omelettes

with lots and lots of vegetables


  • Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Ground Sausage
  • Carrots
  • Bell Pepper
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Tomato
  • Siracha (optional) 


1. Cook the sausage. DON'T ADD ANY OIL! There is so much fat in sausage that its not necessary to add anything else.
2. While the sausage is cooking cut up the vegetables in small pieces like so.
3. After the sausage finishes, put it on a plate with a paper towel to soak up the oil. Also dump all the fat into a small bowl. There will be residue oil in the pan. KEEP IT!
4. Stir fry the vegetables in the pan with the left over fat from the sausage. It'll give it a yummy taste. Also I stir fried garlic in with it. But that's not necessary. Put in the spinach last and don't cook it for very long other wise it gets super soggy. 

5. Get another pan and put just a little bit of oil and turn on the heat.
6. Whisk four eggs in a bowl with garlic then pour it in the pan. Use about half of the eggs since 2 eggs per omelette is perfect. DON'T TOUCH IT! Just let it cook. 
7. Next add the vegetables and a little bit of the sausage. Don't go too crazy with the sausage. Just add enough for taste. 
8. After a little bit flip the half of the egg with no food on it over the vegetables. Leave it like that or flip it. 
9. It should be finished! 

I ate mine with Sriracha which made it SOO good! So you can add that as well but its totally optional! 

Happy daily Vegetable!!!


P.S I still haven't had chocolate. O M GOSH. It's a miracle! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Minimal Time, Minimal Space, and no Gym?

Helllloooo everyone!

How's everybody doing not eating chocolate? I haven't had ANY chocolate what-so-ever! I'm so proud! I do have a confession. I did have this homemade oatmeal cake my mother made (it was for my brother's birthday). I did have a huge piece but in my defense my mother only used natural substances, nothing that's been processed. But it was still a bad choice on my part. Sadly it didn't have any chocolate in it otherwise I would have abstained.

Anyway, today let's talk about fitness!

Who hates working out? ME!

Who loves how they feel after they work out? ME!

When how I feel after I work out out-weighs my hate for working out I work out other wise I'm just a couch potato. Just kidding.

Really though I found that since I've been in college my fitness level has declined SEVERELY. Recently though I've started to work out more. And it's because I found this wonderful youtube celebrity: Zuzka Light!

She's this amazing woman who is super fit and super sweet and has the most adorable Czech accent.

All her workouts typically compose of four body weight workouts which you do in three rounds as fast as you can do it. So I tend to work out for about 17 minutes on average. And you only have to do one video a day! O M G. Talk about minimal time for working SUPER hard for that body.

You can do these workouts in your room. So no excuses!!

Here's a link to her website.


Tell me how it goes! I'll be working right a long you all. Tomorrow I will be doing her Zwow #32. So look around her website and join me!!! =))) And it may be good to invest in one pair of dumbells, since that's all she used.

Happy daily vegetable.


P.S Since I've started her workouts two weeks ago I've gone from barely doing 5 military pushups to doing 10 pushups fast. I feel so much stronger now. I love Zuzka!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weekly Challenge #1

Weekly Challenge: 

Okay so every week I will be starting a weekly challenge to start better health habits. I feel like it's too hard or even unrealistic to keep to if you make a monthly or yearly goal. So this week's challenge is: 


Sigh...This one is hard for me because I...LOVE...CHOCOLATE! Oh my gosh! Chocolate is a blessing from God. Seriously but it's also super fattening. My roommate just gave me a box of chocolate and I literally ate like half of it. So to keep me from eating chocolate and everyone else from indulging themselves, let's make it a challenge to stay away from chocolate for only ONE week. Come on guys it's not hard! 

But for people who really love chocolate there are some exceptions: 
1. You can have some cocoa powder. This week I'll be posting a recipe for healthy ice cream with cocoa powder and NO added sugar. It really made my cravings go bye bye. 
2. If you have to have chocolate, only eat 70-100 percent cocoa chocolate minimally. Seriously though stay away from it. We want to stop the sugar intake and let's be honest chocolate is the most enjoyable to fufill that desire.

Ways to overcome the Chocolate desire: 

1. Eat frequently, like every three hours. But keep it to fruit, carrots and hummus (OMG FAVORITE SNACK!), a toast with some honey, or a boiled egg. Something small but filling. 
2. Just learn to say no! Or better yet tell your friends what you're doing and invite them to join you.
3. Make sure you eat wonderful, tasty foods that'll feed your body everything it needs. I find when I eat what my body needs I don't crave unhealthy foods!

Alright tell me how it goes! I'll be posting how I'm doing, so keep reading!

Happy daily Vegetable!


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hey everyone!

Today I ate the most amazing dinner. It was sooo easy to make as well. Took about 20 minutes to cook and about 5-10 minutes to prepare. 

First of all before you read the recipe, I absolutely hate counting calories or measuring how much food I putting in my meals. It makes me feel depressed. Instead I just eat until I'm satisfied and I try to stay away from food with empty calories. So if you want to know how much calories you're in taking you'll have to count it yourself. Sorry! =( I just find it boring and frustrating to count exactly how many calories I'm eating. It takes the joy of the food away from me. I feel like to really enjoy a dish then there can't be a number attached to it, as long as it is healthy. Control is key here. 

Anyway...back to the recipe! 

So for all those salad haters, as I am, I was completely surprised when I fell in love with this salad. It was slightly sweet, slightly salty, and the chicken made it even more filling. 

Alright so I'm calling this dish, Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad. Very creative right? ;) 


-skinless chicken breast
-Italian bread crumbs
-diced garlic
-Plain Greek yogurt (0% fat) 
-One tomato
-Half a cucumber
-One medium size carrot
-Half an apple 
-A little Ceasar Salad Dressing


Preset the oven to 350 degrees 
For the chicken
-Cut the chicken into squares and put the chicken into a bowl
-In another bowl mix the garlic and Italian bread crumbs. I just put in as much as I thought would work for the chicken, about one spoonful of garlic and a cup of bread crumbs. 
-Put in two-three spoonfuls of Greek Yogurt into the bread crumbs and mix.
-Mix the Yogurt/Bread crumbs with the chicken. I ended up using my hands to mix it so the bread crumbs evenly spread across the chicken.
-Take a pan or two (depends on how much chicken you're making), put a little oil in it. I used a small amount of vegetable oil since I'm out of olive Oil. And spread the chicken in the pan so it's pretty even across the pan.
-Cook the chicken for about 20 minutes or until it's done. I would check it at 15 minutes, but it took my oven 20 minutes.

For the salad
-Once the chicken finishes, take a large bowl and put in a few handfuls of Spinach and then rest of the vegetables and fruit.
-Place the chicken on the top and dribble a little bit of Ceasar salad dressing on it. Don't go too crazy with the dressing, otherwise it'll become more dressing than vegetables.

And voila! A complete, filling, and delicious dinner. I didn't eat anything else for dinner and I'm completely stuffed. 

Happy eating your Daily Vegetable!! 

First post!!

Hey everyone!

Welcome to Your Daily Vegetable. I will be blogging daily about a dish I made or a recipe I found online or something health related even about dreaded exercising. As I am a college student, I hardly have any luxury time, so for busy busy people with small budgets (or even big budgets) this blog is for you.

In addition, I will be writing reviews of exercise programs or about blogs that I find interesting. Maybe I'll be able to even help you out with ideas of how to keep exercising because really, it takes a lot of creativity to exercise consistently.

I want to help people live a more healthy life, but the great thing is that blogging keeps me more accountable for what I put in my body and if I exercise or not. I've fallen off the "bandwagon" plenty of times, so I hope I can help inspire myself and people who just need that little push to start living cleanly.

Hope you all have had your daily vegetable!
